Training Program Manual
Training Programs were developed by De Regenboog (NL) and Free Clinic (BE), according to the knowledge acquired in the activities of WP2 and due to their past experience in the subject. The training actions will be provided by De Regenboog (NL), Free Clinic (BE) and ASUD professionals, each in one of the pilot interventions implementing country (Poland, Greece and Lithuania). The training dimension is a vital starting point for the integration of peer educators in outreach work and it should take into account the specificities of the role, position and tasks each peer educator carries out in the Outreach Team, namely the ability to establish relationships with dealers, in order to decrease the adulteration of substances. Hence, the Training Program Manual is a general tool with the main contents and training strategies to deliver the Training and it is the base for local adaptations according with the specific Intervention Plan of each pilot country.
Download the training program manual by clicking on the image or here.
The manual is also available in Greek, Lithuanian and Polish languages.